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Material GCC Logo  c2c Gold Logo

One material. Two versions.

GCC (German Compact Composite) is a wood-polymer material that is a true all-rounder. Up to 75% of wood fibres are supplemented with environmentally friendly additives and with polymers in a patented process. It is particularly important to us that the number of harmless additives used to supplement wood in our products are limited to what is unavoidable. The material produced in the heart of Germany is PVC-free, healthy and circulated within a closed loop system. We deliberately dispense with chemical sealing, instead relying on the natural product‘s intrinsic protection.

Some of our products have recycled synthetic resin added to the material formulation. This material is produced, among other things, from end-of-life wind turbine rotor blades. This material version allows us to achieve very specific product properties while at the same time making us pioneers in the material recycling of rotor blades.

Our wood-fibre content is up to 75 %.

It looks like wood, feels like wood, and smells like wood. Our polymer-bonded wood material has all the advantages of the natural material. It feels warm and is easy to process. The Addition of polymers and additives turns the original softwood into a solid, durable wood material that can withstand the high demands of outdoor use following extrusion – without any plastic coating at all.

GCC HOLZart Logo and two floorboards

// contains up to 75 % wood fibres from sustainably managed forests
// harder and heavier than hardwood
// stores heat better than wood, heats up significantly less than natural stone, concrete, or ceramics
// can be further processed by sawing, drilling, sanding or planing

With more than 50 % wood fibre content and up to 30 % recycled synthetic resin.

GCC HARZart replaces part of the ingredients with synthetic resins, among other things pro-duced from recycled turbine rotor blades. The material derives its name from these resins. Combined with our unique manufacturing process, this leads to a particularly dense and less hygroscopic material that can be used in many different outdoor applications. The synthetic resin content makes this material version seem cool and smooth, while feeling warm and particularly pleasant when in contact with the skin.

GCC HARZart Logo and two floorboards

// with at least 50 % wood fibres from sustainably managed forests and up to 30 % recycled synthetic resin
// harder and heavier than hardwood
// stores heat better than wood, heats up significantly less than natural stone, concrete, or ceramics
// can be processed by sawing or drilling

Our understanding of sustainability.

In these categories, our GCC wood-based material has been
Cradle to Cradle Certified® certified*:

Scorecard C2C

*GCC HOLZart achieves PLATINUM (Version 3.1, renewal 27 Aug 2024) and GCC HARZart achieves GOLD (Version 3.1, renewal 31 Jan 2026) in material health.
Cradle to Cradle Certified® is a registered brand of the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute.
More information about certification at

c2c Gold LogoIf anything is certain to lie in our genes, then it is the Cradle to Cradle® principle. This describes material cycles in which products and raw materials respectively, always circulate recurringly – no waste exists. We operate special systems for since 2005 so that we can consistently implement this recycling economy. This enables us to receive and use existing material resources without a loss of quality, in addition to being able to expand and manufacture products of the highest quality standard - without an additional consumption of natural raw materials.

Join us in shaping a future worth living for future generations and return your torroTIMBER® products at the end of their useful life to a take-back dealer near you.

You will find returns dealers here:

Both GCC material versions are designed to meet the extreme high requirements of the Cradle to Cradle®-principle and are certified by the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Products Innovation Institute at Cradle to Cradle Certified® Gold level*, with GCC HOLZart even achieving the highest level of Platinum in material health. This makes GCC one of the few building materials worldwide to achieve this level and whose ingredients have been proven to be materially healthy and ecotoxicologically harmless. Evaluation of the integrated water management and climate-positive energy concept in production as well as the high social standards at our production site in Germany round off the comprehensive material and process evaluation. GCC meets the highest standard for eco-effectiveness. The certification proves our products‘ contribution to the positive sustainability rating of buildings.

Honest German quality.

Products made of GCC are highly resistant due to the high natural fibre content and have a low thermal expansion. Natural processes change the colouring and feel over time since our material is based on wood. About 20 years of experience and development support this material. We only promise what we can deliver!

Independently certified

We strive to offer consistent quality and impeccable products without any worries at all times. Various seals of approval from independent testing institutes confirm our product claim. In addition to being Cradle-to-Cradle-Certified®-to the gold standard, demonstrating the material health and recyclability of products, torroTIMBER® meets, among other things, the high requirements of the Qualitätsgemeinschaft Holzwerkstoffe e. V. quality seal. Apart from this, the PEFC-certificate confirms that our wood fibres are produced from sustainably managed forests.

Tested in our in-house laboratory

We don‘t simply rely on the results provided by external bodies but analyse our materials in-depth on our own in our in-house laboratory as well: We keep on checking that all raw material samples and our finished products alike meet our strict specifications. Modern laboratory technology enables us to verify that all ingredients used are free from harmful substances. We can simulate a number of weather and stress situations in order to provide you with a long-lasting product with a clear conscience.

Promises of our torroTIMBER® products:

// Material with high wood content – no PVC
// Very hard, resistant surface
// Coloured material
// Solid products – no hollow section
// Amazingly thin – highly resilient
// Long-term user experience
// Resistant to salt and chlorine
// Easy processing
// Systematic laying
// Low brittleness, does not splinter
// Pleasant barefoot feeling – excellent surefootedness
// Healthy living through certified harmlessness
// They fulfil the requirements of DIN EN 71-3 and are therefore suitable for the production of children’s toys

Simply decide,
simple plan.

Transform your outdoor realm into a place of comfort with durable, easy-care, and unique products to match your needs and personal taste. The online planner will let your garden dreams come true. Plan the design of your outdoor area easily from home. This will show you what material you need and give you the plans and construction drawings to match from visualisation of your initial ideas to implementation of specific plans in just a few clicks.
Please use the following link to discover where you can purchase torroTIMBER® as well as the accessories.

Easy processing of the material.

We have created an easy-care and resistant material. Products made of GCC HOLZart can be processed just like wood. Common woodworking tools can shape the material as desired by sawing, drilling, sanding, or planing. GCC HARZart is denser and harder due to its share of synthetic resins, causing greater tool wear. This is why we do not recommend full surface machining such as planing, brushing, or sanding.

We want you to enjoy your new terrace for a long time. Only use original torroTIMBER® parts and observe our processing recommendations to ensure that our warranty does not become void. Coordination with the manufacturer must take place and respective approval must be obtained in the event of special structures that deviate from these processing recommendations or the online planner in order for any potential warranty claims to be accepted.

Care and cleaning instructions

can be found in the terrace menu.